In a world where Internet service subscribers demand a flawless customer-experience, it has become vital that Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Telcos/ISPs deploy are remotely managed.  This remote capability allows for a smooth rollout process (auto-provisioning) while also delighting customers when support matters are resolved quickly and professionally or avoided completely. The de-facto standard for such remote management is represented by the BroadBand Forum’s TR-069 protocol (also called CWMP) and its worthy successor TR-369/USP. These standards however are ever-evolving and the complexity creates challenges for equipment manufacturers when they are to be realised as firmware code – the operating systems for CPE devices such Fibre, LTE, DSL, STBs and IP Phones.

Axiros’ AXACT remote management agent alleviates firmware developers from having to become protocol experts themselves in order to enable their devices for TR-069 or USP. The quality-controlled protocol stack/agent is delivered as a code library, has a tiny footprint and is easily integrated into the other software. The agent features great portability and targets a diverse set of devices including: Linux, BSD, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS and other proprietary OSs. AXACT is currently the only commercially available agent offering both TR-069 and USP protocols within a single implementation, concurrently and without additional effort.

As a long-term principal member of the BroadBand Forum and co-author to various standards, Axiros stays at the helm of standards evolution and provides several feature releases per annum for the whole AXACT package. This protects the customer’s investment and allows them to stay abreast with the latest developments.

For more information on AXACT please download the AXACT whitepaper.